Charlie Helps FRSA's Blog

"Global advisers on leadership and governance for three decades"

Purposeful Leadership | Strategy | Governance | Quality | Value | Sustainability

Mervyn King on the Challenges Faced by NHS Boards

Mervyn King on the Challenges Faced by NHS Boards

We highly recommend this video to anybody interested in governance, quality and risk in the NHS. Judge Mervyn King, a long-time friend of the late Nelson Mandela, speaks with deep commitment about the responsibilities of directors in the NHS, and the courage required to take difficult decisions in times of budgetary constraint.

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Cyber-security and the Board

Cyber-security and the Board

Cyber-security is an issue for most individuals and all sizes of organisation, and within organisations it is now generally accepted that it should be a board-level matter, and not one for the IT department to tackle alone.

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Succession Planning for your Board of Directors

Succession Planning for your Board of Directors

Board succession planning is less about the proverbial “bus test” and more about maintaining a fully capable, competent, and functioning board that is equipped with the necessary skills, experience, independence and diversity of thought to properly discharge the duties of a board. This holds true in whichever sector the board is operating. There is very good guidance available from organisations such as the ICSA and the IoD.

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Are you a General Counsel and also Company Secretary?

Are you a General Counsel and also Company Secretary?

Private companies do not have to appoint a secretary unless their articles of association require them to, although larger private companies would often choose to appoint one. A public limited company must have a secretary.

If you have been formally appointed company secretary, duly registered at Companies House, even if not on the board of directors in your role as general counsel, you are an officer of the company under the Companies Act. As an officer of the company the secretary can be criminally liable for defaults committed by the company.

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Horizon Scanning for Boards

Horizon Scanning for Boards

At a roundtable hosted by Governance + Compliance magazine in July, seven of the UK’s foremost governance professionals met to discuss the pivotal role of the company secretary. The meeting followed the publication of ICSA’s report The Company Secretary: Building...

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Leadership of Margaret Sanger

Margaret Sanger is a historical figure who is no less controversial now than she was 100 years ago when she began her work to make birth control and abortion readily available to American women. While many of her ideas on birth control are readily accepted today, the...

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Archbishop Desmond Tutu on Leadership

Archbishop Desmond Tutu on Leadership

South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu is famous for his positivity, faith, and example of leading the world to a better place. He has won innumerable awards for his work, including a Nobel Peace Prize. His world view can be summarized in one statement from him: “Do...

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Great Leaders – Tony Dungy

In 2006, Tony Dungy led the Indianapolis Colts to their first Superbowl Championship in over thirty years. His leadership qualities combined with the skill of the players are given credit for that success. Dungy has published a book, The Mentor Leader, about his...

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Great Leaders – Condoleezza Rice

Condoleezza Rice has been named one of the most powerful women in the world by Forbes magazine. As a close advisor to several former US presidents, having held various positions including Secretary of State, it is possible that she is. When speaking at the 2012 Annual...

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Guardians of Governance

Guardians of Governance

We believe “governance” begins with people, and their choices, and their decisions, and their voices. We will work with you to bring your governance to life and to give you a fighting chance of avoiding national disasters like we are seeing played out at Carillion PLC.

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Irene Becker

Described by clients as a "transformational catalyst," Irene has helped executives, senior managers, professionals, entrepreneurs, writers, human resource professionals, speakers, trainers, coaches, teachers optimise communication, leadership and performance in high...

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Effective Leaders

Effective leaders generally hold some of the same key skills which enable them to effectively motivate and inspire people while earning their respect. Organisation Though we tend to picture leaders as business executives, people hold leadership roles in various...

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What does it take to be a Leader?

Some people appear to be born leaders. They are confident, clever, and excel at communication. Even if these skills do not come easily to you, these tips can help you become an expert at leadership. Don’t pass the buck. When a project is a soaring success, it is easy...

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The Joy of…

Leading and following should be joyous! A leader sets an example for their team or employees. They set the tone for how the group interacts and communicates. Since they are a role model, they must be confident, intelligent, and possess excellent interpersonal skills....

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