Charlie Helps Associates

“Excellence in Sustainable Governance, Leadership, Strategy, and Value”

Helping leaders, boards, teams, and individuals achieve purposeful
Governance | Leadership | Strategy | Quality | Value | Sustainability

Leadership & Strategy

“In the absence of effective leadership, all efforts to govern will fail.”

Combine purposeful business leadership and governance, with the maximised potential of your leaders, managers, and colleagues, to gain that head-start on the road to success.

Together, we will tap into a deep understanding of the latest developments in purposeful corporate leadership, governance, behaviours, and culture.

We help you build and communicate a clear vision of future success and achieve the twin goals of financial and environmental sustainability across your business plan.

You will maximise returns on your investment by developing your leaders.


Governance & Risk

“Corporate Governance is in troubled waters.”

With corporate failures prominent in the headlines, the words “corporate governance” have entered the mainstream media. The expression “failure of corporate governance” has become commonplace, and the names of culprit companies and directors have become all too familiar.

Clearly, something is wrong. Traditional, compliance-oriented approaches to corporate governance have left many in troubled waters. Trust has been eroded and company performance has suffered.

We believe great governance begins with people, their choices, their decisions, and their voices.

We work with you to bring your leadership and governance to life.

Workflow Optimisation

“Consultancy and SaaS solutions to enable the automation of information-centric, data-heavy business processes.”

From SMEs to global brands, our enterprise-class systems are used by both public and private sector clients and open the door to evidence-based decision-making, reduced processing times, greater consistency, improved customer (and patient) experience and lowered operating costs.

Robotic Process Automation, Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence.


Quality, Value, and Sustainability

“Your organisation creates value in many more areas than just the balance sheet; just ask your employees and their families.”

Together we will identify and expose value creation across the multiple ‘capitals of value’ that have direct as well as intangible meaning for your shareholders, institutional investors, and other key stakeholders.

People may even read your Annual Report, and those who do will talk about it!

How we work together with you

Coaching, Consulting, Mentoring, and Advisory

“Our transformational services span the spectrum of leadership, strategy, governance, quality, and value to enable you to achieve your vision and values.”

As your strategic partner, we offer you our most current expertise gained with our long list of clients and an intimate understanding of the latest developments in corporate leadership, governance, behaviours, and corporate culture.

We will utilise skills including strengths-based coaching, consultancy, mentoring, and advice to give you the ideal tools to address your unique challenge.

Your choices create your advantages; choose wisely; take time to think before you act.

Transforming Meetings and Integrated Thinking

“The quality of your actions is dictated by the quality of your thinking.”

Using the tried and tested Time to Think™ methodology developed by Nancy Kline (the Thinking Environment™) you will quickly gain insight into the power of your own thinking on innovation, invention, and maximising your people’s potential.

Incorporate these 21st Century leadership and governance methodologies into the design of development programmes for your executive teams and boards to gain a measurable high-return in performance and culture.

Using our Transforming Meetings Programme™ clients save as much as 1/3 of time spent in meetings, enhancing clarity of purpose and thought, and optimising decision-making.

Clients LOVE it because they get so much more done, to a higher standard, and in far less time!

Time to Think - The Thinking Environment

“The quality of your thinking is dictated by the quality of the attention your are paid.”

Our clients have grown accustomed to releasing their freshest and most independent thinking when working with us in a “Thinking Environment™.”

Thinking together, you will uncover and test out as many scenarios, options, opportunities, strengths, and outcomes as you need to nail that lightbulb moment.

Strong Corporate Culture and Staff Engagement

“People who use their strengths every day are six times more likely to be engaged on the job.”

Teams that focus on their strengths are 12.5% more productive. We use strengths coaching to enable you to lead and improve performance with greater ease and confidence.

Change begins with individuals, and spreads through teams. Our team profiling and coaching module enhances the performance of individuals in teams, and of teams by revealing all the talents and strengths available to them.

Recent Blog Articles

Artificial Intelligence vs Governance: 2/3

Artificial Intelligence vs Governance: 2/3

Artificial Intelligence vs Governance Artificial Intelligence presents both risk and opportunity in the Boardroom. How will your Board harness the opportunities while treating the risk?The future of corporate governance is poised to be shaped by a...

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AI and the Future of Corporate Governance: 1/3

AI and the Future of Corporate Governance: 1/3

AI and the Future of Corporate Governance Technological advancements and growing societal expectations are driving a continuous evolution in governance models. The integration of Artificial Intelligence, for example, poses new ethical and governance...

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