Charlie Helps FRSA's Blog
"Global advisers on leadership and governance for three decades"Purposeful Leadership | Strategy | Governance | Quality | Value | Sustainability
Entrepreneur Raises $15.5 Million But Investor More Interested In Commenting On Her Looks
There are many reasons to compliment entrepreneur Jodie Fox. Four months ago, she raised $15.5 million in Series B funding from venture capital investors and Nordstrom, for the company she co-founded. Shoes of Prey lets customers...
Theresa May’s plan to put workers in boardrooms is extraordinary!
Theresa May’s plan to put workers in boardrooms is extraordinary!
The next prime minister didn’t merely attack grotesque levels of pay in FTSE 100 boardrooms, a refrain heard in vague terms from most of the runners in the Tory leadership race. She also wants employees to be represented on company boards, a specific proposal that reopens a debate that hasn’t been aired seriously in mainstream British politics since the mid-70s.
Brexit Vote: What does it mean for Compliance?
Following the referendum vote to leave the EU, the UK Financial Conduct Authority released a statement confirming that companies must continue to “abide by their obligations under UK law, including those derived from EU law and continue with implementation plans for legislation that is still to come into effect.”
Does Your Business Have Strategic Partners? Why Not?
One of the biggest mistakes business owners make is trying to do everything alone. To combat this error, business owners must hire and train the right employees. In addition, they should leverage strategic partners.
So what is a strategic partner? A strategic partner is another business with whom you enter into an agreement that aims to help both of you achieve more success.
Why is Integrated Reporting Important for the Public Sector?
Honorary member of the Fulcrum Group, and chair of the International Integrated Reporting Council, Professor Mervyn King SC, speaks to Public Finance about what public sector organisations can gain from integrated reporting, the creation of the public sector pioneer network for and how it can help integrate public services.
Core Values for 21st Century Business Success
Foundations of Corporate Governance
The UK Governance Code and the King Code are each considered minimum standards for entry to the stock markets of their respective countries, the UK and South Africa. They have similar, yet fascinatingly different origins. The UK Code was established in response to massive corporate failures in the UK, which left shareholders’ funds ravaged, with no recourse or accountability.
How we Correctly Predicted the Brexit Result
Our poll indicated that the British public would vote to leave the EU; official polls predicted that the UK would voted by a tiny margin to remain. How did we do it with a zero budget?
Our poll was different; we asked voters using social media to say how they would vote, in, or out, and we also asked them to choose as many matters which they were interested in, from the economy, to their favourite sport!
EU in, or EU out?
In the snap poll we conducted on social media in the past week, we found statistical correlations that show some interesting trends.
Choose a subject or sport that voters said they were interested in or concerned about to see how that relates to their voting.
Interview with Ms Sharon Stone
We interviewed Sharon Stone from our offices in Rome in her capacity as Global Campaign Chair at the American Foundation for AIDS Research.
Sharon speaks about fundraising for HIV/AIDS research, and her insights into the day-to-day realities for those suffering the devastating symptoms of the virus, including tiny orphans and other deeply vulnerable people.
The Best Bosses Follow These 5 Rules
Amazing bosses try to make work meaningful and enjoyable for employees. They’re most successful when they adhere to a few best practices: Manage individuals, not just teams. When you’re under pressure, you can forget that employees have varying interests, abilities,...
Read Leadership Expert Magazine Free on Flipboard!
Leadership Expert on Flipboard” is available free to read in a browser or in the Flipboard App on iOS or Android and Windows Phone.
Entrepreneur Raises $15.5 Million But Investor More Interested In Commenting On Her Looks
There are many reasons to compliment entrepreneur Jodie Fox. Four months ago, she raised $15.5 million in Series B funding from venture capital investors and Nordstrom, for the company she co-founded. Shoes of Prey lets customers...
Embracing Controversy: How This Bikini Startup Went Viral On LinkedIn In All The Right Ways
Every startup wants to “go viral” at some point. After all, who wouldn’t want free widespread publicity? The problem, however, is that viral marketing is easier said than done. Viral marketing is a finicky beast and one that hinges on the perfect combination of...
The One Mistake Leaders Make That Kills Employee Engagement
Employee Engagement in the United States is on the rise! According to Gallup, U.S. Employee Engagement Reaches New High In March. “The percentage of U.S. workers whom Gallup considers “engaged” in their jobs averaged 34.1% in March, the highest level since Gallup...
How To Re-Program Your Mind For Success
Forbes - Leadership Source: How To Re-Program Your Mind For Success Way too many people have already decided that a job is a way to pay the bills and nothing more. They reached that conclusion after beating their head against the wall...
Psychology Students Invited to Prestigious Leadership Event on Global Population
Psychology Students Invited to Prestigious Leadership Event on Global Population
Contractors could lose public sector tenders if they don’t enforce anti-slavery measures
According to Construction News, “contractors could lose out on public sector tenders if they fail to take measures to ensure their supply chain is free of companies engaged in modern slavery practices.
A leading construction lawyer has warned that growing numbers of clients are likely to include questions on slavery in tender documents as the issue has come into focus following the passing of the Modern Slavery Act.
What is a Board for Anyway?
The English model of corporate governance is imitated to varying degrees throughout the world and certainly sets a benchmark by which other systems are judged, even when they are strikingly different. Strangely, we still a surprising amount of time helping board members across many organisations to consider why they are there and deciding what their focus should be. Here’s a quick introduction to get new directors out of the blocks.
Some more Excellent Leadership Articles from around the World
5 Leadership Resolutions for 2016 - Forbes Wed, 30 Dec 2015 10:00:12 GMT Forbes5 Leadership Resolutions for 2016ForbesIt's no longer a matter of learning leadership at school or from a book. By the time you've finished your studies, the world...
Today’s Leadership News from around the World
5 Leadership Resolutions for 2016 - Forbes Wed, 30 Dec 2015 10:00:12 GMT Forbes5 Leadership Resolutions for 2016ForbesIt's no longer a matter of learning leadership at school or from a book. By the time...
Precis: Core Values for 21st Century Business Success
Commissioned for The Corporate Report by Professor Judge Mervyn E King, SC, this article speaks about the threats to business survival in the 21st Century, not only from the megatrends we are all familiar with but also from the unsustainable business models still being perpetuated by big and small corporations globally.
Personal Value in Leadership
Of wealth, people, place, and purpose So what is Personal Value? In a century where innovation and technological progress is so prevalent and so fast that yesterday’s mobile phone is tomorrow’s recycling, it is easy to lose sight of personal value. It is easier still...
Sir Robin Knox-Johnston
World War II Born near the beginning of World War II, young Robin would grow up understanding the importance of Britain’s ships. Teenage boys often left their families to join the Merchant Navy, and Robin was no exception. In 1957, at age 18, this young adventurer...
Why Values (Not Perks) Define Your Startup Culture
Forbes - Leadership Entrepreneurship has exploded in the U.S. market in recent years. According to a recent Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) report, there are now over twenty-four million entrepreneurs in the U.S., making up 14% of the total population. There may...
Leadership Expert Featured Leader – Alison Vidotto
As part of my Women in Leadership series, I am absolutely delighted to have the opportunity to feature a champion in every sense, Alison Vidotto, CEO Vidotto Group, Founder, Australian Charity for the Children of Vietnam (ACCV).
So, you are a Leader, Right? Says who?
Leaders are Leaders, Right? Now look, leaders are leaders, aren't they? So, they go over there, and we go with them, that is, we follow... Right? Nope, that is a shepherd. What leaders do, is to awaken our own thoughts, our own volition, our own impetus. We...
Women in Leadership – Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu aka Mother Teresa
Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu - aka Mother Teresa Men are not the only people who have stepped forward to lead during pivotal historic times. Famous women have led with leadership styles that are as diverse as those found among men. In 1910, Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, the child...
Leadership – Men who have Taken the Lead
Leadership A study of leadership styles would be incomplete without real life examples of great men who have led people through difficult times. Few men fit the bill like Martin Luther King, Jr, Winston Churchill, Richard Branson, and Harry Truman. Each of these men...
Unbelievable, 13 Seconds Left, Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan on Success Did you watch Michael Jordan on Leading Ways? Michael Jordan's Top 10 Hints Keep working hard Ignite the fire Be different Fail your way to success Have high expectations Be...
The Difference between Leadership and Management
Seth Godin on the Difference between Leadership and Management Leadership and management are terms we use in every day life and in all sorts of different circumstances. Usually, we hear these words used to describe things going on in corporations, in boardrooms and...
The Leadership of Seth Godin
Seth Godin As the author of 18 books on leadership, marketing, and changes in the business world, Seth Godin certainly qualifies as an expert on leadership. He is highly demanded as a public speaker and writes a popular blog. His statements on leadership are simple...
The Leadership of Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi The leadership of Mahatma Gandhi has a foundation in self-development. To lead by example, one must first become the type of person that you would like your followers to be. This is achieved through self-sacrifice, understanding, and education. Rather...
Warren Buffett’s Top 10 rules for success
Thanks to Evan Carmichael for this excellent video. Warren Buffet's Top 10 Tips for Success Find your passion Hire well Don't care what others think Read, read, read Have a margin of safety Have a competitive advantage Schedule for your personality Always be competing...