Seth Godin
As the author of 18 books on leadership, marketing, and changes in the business world, Seth Godin certainly qualifies as an expert on leadership. He is highly demanded as a public speaker and writes a popular blog. His statements on leadership are simple yet profound. We investigate the leadership of Seth Godin.

Seth Godin
Take responsibility
According to Seth Godin, “Managers want authority. Leaders take responsibility.” While the difference seems clear, they can become blurry in practice. As a leader, are you constantly trying to get more from your team or are you guiding and encouraging as you work alongside them? It can be easy to slip into the role of order giver, but a true leader takes responsibility for his team and helps them achieve goals.
Be willing to change
Godin speaks and writes a great deal about the importance of change and the willingness to lead changes rather than attempt to avoid them. Our society is rapidly changing, and one who desires to lead needs to be at the forefront of the action. Instead of fighting change, consider how you can best use changes to your team’s advantage. Where will the change lead? Can you use it to increase efficiency or improve a process? Those who do not change are left behind, and few can lead from behind.
Be creative
As a marketing leader, Godin has demonstrated how creatively thinking about what consumers really want can lead to success. Even relatively new ideas, like email marketing campaigns, are already old thinking, according to Godin. Instead, he has taken innovative steps, like offering his book Idea Virus for free to reveal the demand that is created with free ideas. He encourages thinking about doing things that nobody has done.
These are the ideas that get attention and eventually lead to success. Once you have a great idea, don’t bury it in concerns about failure. Boldly move forward and lead the tribe.
The Difference between Leadership and Management
Watch Seth explain so simply and accurately the difference between leadership and management here.