by Charlie Helps FRSA | Sep 18, 2014 | Contemplation, Insight, Leadership
“All great leaders understand their place” That is – their place in the world, their place in their work, their place in the home, and their place in time. From time-to-time, take a look around to understand your place, understand your context, and...
by Charlie Helps FRSA | Sep 16, 2014 | Leadership
Described by clients as a “transformational catalyst,” Irene has helped executives, senior managers, professionals, entrepreneurs, writers, human resource professionals, speakers, trainers, coaches, teachers optimise communication, leadership and...
by Charlie Helps FRSA | Sep 14, 2014 | Leadership
Mankind has always wanted to fly like a bird. In fact the term aviation, coined in 1863 by the French aviation pioneer Guillaume Joseph Gabriel de La Landelle, stems from the Latin word avis, meaning ‘bird’. The history of aviation can be traced back 2000 years when...
by Charlie Helps FRSA | Sep 14, 2014 | Leadership
Wisdom in the Age of Information and the Importance of Storytelling in Making Sense of the World: An Animated Essay by Maria Popova Thoughts on navigating the open sea of knowledge. “For my part in the 2014 Future of Storytelling Summit, I had the pleasure of...
by Charlie Helps FRSA | Sep 12, 2014 | Leadership
Effective leaders generally hold some of the same key skills which enable them to effectively motivate and inspire people while earning their respect. Organisation Though we tend to picture leaders as business executives, people hold leadership roles in various...